Three reasons why you should check out Bookshelves of Doom:
1) That is hands down the greatest name for a book blog. Ever.
2) Leila is hilarious. Every post is filled with so much lighthearted humor, but underneath the laughs you can tell that she really cares about this book stuff. She's a librarian specializing in YA, and gives straightforward, honest, from-the-heart book reviews. I've also appreciated her updates on what books are being challenged in schools/libraries across the country. That's not something I had previously followed, but I agree with Leila that censorship is damaging to individuals and communities, and thanks to her I have considerably stronger feelings on the topic. Also, between the book reviews and book banning posts, she gives updates on her and her husband's life dealing with their cats' antics. An example from a recent post:
"...I've been doing what has become second nature: THE WOUNDED RODENT MORNING ROUTINE.
Check my slippers for dead/dying rodent. If empty, put them on.Check kettle for dead/dying rodent. If empty, fill it and start water for tea.Check toaster for dead/dying rodent. If empty, make toast.
You get the idea.
Who knew cats made such great fodder for blog posts? Before Bookshelves of Doom, I didn't. Keep it up, Leila's cats. (Though don't harass your owners too much.)
3) She has an awesome Etsy shop where she sells mostly book-related pendants. Definitely worth a gander.
Bookshelves of Doom is an awesome site. Check it out!
**Note: This is not a sponsored post. Leila doesn't even know I'm writing this. I just really like this blog.**
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