So I was thinking about Valentines Day, and about some of my favorite fictional literary heroes and heroines, and I wondered what would happen if I could play a cross-novel literary matchmaker for a day. If so, here's who I would pair...

1. Princess Corene and Micah Bayer
Both born into powerful families with ruthlessly ambitious parents, these two would either run the world or be AA buddies. Or both.

2. Miri Larendaughter and Peeta Melark
They're both insufferably idealistic and optimistic, but I think they'd make each other happy.

3. Arya Stark and Draco Malfoy
With their combined resourcefulness and determination, I'm pretty sure we'd see their bid for Prime Minister before they're 25.

4. Bitterblue and Sturmhond
With their understanding of politics and mutual thirst for adventure, this would a fearsome couple anywhere from board meetings to pirate ships.

5. Charlotte Bennett and Thor
Just because I always felt like Charlotte got the short end of the stick and I want her to be happy.

6. Hamlet and Holden Caulfield
Just think! They could be emo piles of angst together!

7. Miss Marple and Robert Langdon
No crime would be safe from their sharp eyes and unfailing intuition. (Langdon will have to suddenly age a fair bit for this to work, though.)

8. Skeeter Phelan and Enjolras
They're both passionate and fearless enough to fight any battle that needs to be fought, from the Civil Rights to the French Revolution.

9. Edward Cullen and Gollum
They can bond over their obsessive loves of their respective preciousessssssss.

10. Iago and Tom Ripley
Although they would find some nefarious companionship in each other, the rest of us better book our flights to the moon.
What bookish characters would you pair?

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