Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

I'm participating in today's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's prompt is:

Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

These are all pretty self-explanatory.  Feel free to chip in with your thoughts!

Things I Dislike:

1. Instalove
eye roll animated GIF
(e.g. Violet and Ash in The Jewel by Amy Ewing)

2. Lack of trust
facepalm animated GIF
(e.g. Lara Jean and Peter in To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han)

3. When love makes you dumb
arrested development animated GIF
(Bella and Edward in Twilight by Stephanie Meyer)

4. Characters "in love" who do not communicate with their partner in order to advance the plot
annoyed animated GIF
(e.g. Tris and Four in Insurgent and Allegiant by Veronica Roth)

5. When it's obvious as dirt that two people love each other, but they won't admit it for nearly the entire book
annoyed animated GIF
(e.g. Anna and Etienne in Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins)

Things I Like:

6. Romance based on friendship
happy animated GIF
(e.g. Ron and Hermione in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling)

7. Mutual respect
sherlock animated GIF
(e.g. Cath and Levi in Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell)

8. When it's a choice to love the other person, not a result of passion alone
Disney animated GIF
(e.g. Sazed and Tindwyl in The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson)

9. Stable, non-turbulent relationships
happy animated GIF
(Molly and Arthur Weasley in the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling)

10. When characters fight together for their own relationship
happy dance animated GIF
(Jamie and Claire in Outlander by Diana Gabaldon)

What would you add?


  1. I think you've summed up everything perfectly. Also, can I just say I love you for mentioning Molly & Arthur? They are my favourite couple. <3

    1. Haha! All hail Molly and Arthur. :) Sometimes the drama gets to me, and I just want people to be content and happy.

  • Oh my gosh! Your post was so entertaining because of the gifs you chose. They were perfect for everything you listed!!! And, I agree with everything you said, except instalove because my husband and I were that so I know it happens, lol. And, I'd add that I abhor love triangle. They're too over done and much stop!!!

    1. Melissa @ Bookmark DragonFebruary 10, 2015 at 10:33 PM

      I'm not saying instalove can never happen (clearly it can since it did with you!) I'm just saying that it is extremely rare, especially among teenagers. I agree, they're way overdone, and just make me roll my eyes at this point.

  • This post was so so wonderful, Melissa! &&I have to agree with your first commenter, Molly & Arthur are such a perfect couple and such a beautiful example. They have raised 7 children between them, and while they do occasionally bicker and scold, they do it with such clear love, respect, and understanding.

    I'm also really digging the Claire/Jamie thing - it's important to note that sometimes you do have to have really serious discussions between you and a loved one about your relationship, and it's not always easy or pretty - but as long as it's done with respect and honesty & not to hurt one another, I'm all about it! (I love how much they love one another in this series, and how often they prove it to one another!)

    Such a swoon worthy list :) I wonder if we could get a book encompassing all of those 5 things?? It would be a miracle, but I'm holding out hope!

    @ Bring My Books

    1. Melissa @ Bookmark DragonFebruary 11, 2015 at 8:52 AM

      Yay! Another Molly/Arthur fan!! I love them. I love what you say about having serious, messy, hard conversations with your partner. It's definitely necessary from time to time, and Jamie and Claire are a good example of doing so with both self-respect and love for the other person.

  • Yes to both your lists! I don't read a lot of romances, but there's often romance in other genres and when one of the things in your dislike list crops up, it always takes me out of the book. Just not credible, you know?

    1. Melissa @ Bookmark DragonFebruary 11, 2015 at 8:53 AM

      TOTALLY. Yes. It can be really distracting and annoying. But, on the plus side, it is sometimes done well, too.

  • Yeah, Ron and Hermione! I like love based on friendship too, just not when there's no chemistry, and they're just together because they're friends, and the author thought they should be.

    - Love, Felicia

    1. Melissa @ Bookmark DragonFebruary 11, 2015 at 8:55 AM

      Good point! There does need to be chemistry AND friendship. I've read about relationships without one of the two, and they never seem credible.

  • Tris and Four, ARGH. Why is not communicating with your significant other such a thing in fiction (I notice it a lot on TV too)??? SO many problems could be solved by talking like grownups. Or even like reasonably mature teenagers, TRIS AND FOUR.

    1. Melissa @ Bookmark DragonFebruary 11, 2015 at 4:37 PM

      I KNOW, RIGHT??!?!!?! I can't handle their "relationship."


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